Wednesdays are review days for my students. I am up at 5 AM and uploading the images to take a look at them before I get into the live critiques that start at 9 AM sharp and continue on through about 12:30 PM. Three classes an hour in length back to back.
Watching these photographers begin to grasp concepts that will drive their photography higher and higher is one of the true joys of being where I am now.
I did this stuff for over 50 years, so I feel I can add a bit of context to the teaching of the techniques.
We approach it from two sides: the technical lighting and composition and such, and the art of working for someone else – understanding layouts, creating concepts, and working with clients under stress.
Today was “coffee shop ad” review day and a few of these images were so cool. One of these photographers is a pro, the others are new but coming along so fast it is mind-boggling. Can you see the pro’s work?
This is only their third assignment, so I am eagerly awaiting the work that they will be producing a few months in.
Site Redesign: Pro Digital Image
My bud Steve Burger is the driving force of Pro Digital Image. He is a Photoshop genius who loves to make photographs, awesome prints, and teach. He has been THE guy to go to for Photoshop in Phoenix and Arizona for more than a decade. I have built all of his...
Initial Collateral Design for Professional Speaker
My partner Robin and I have just completed a gig for Health Care Specialist Kelli Shepard. Robin is a Branding Expert ( and she put together a brilliant brand strategy for Kelli. I am doing the photography and graphic design. Web design may be...
A Fresh Face for J Morgan Images
We made a few simple tweaks to J Morgan Images, a consumer photography website by photographer Jessica Edler. You can see what we did and keep these few ideas in mind. Get your clients and visitors STRAIGHT to the imagery. Do not use 'cover pages' or 'entry pages' as...
On the Power of Imagery
Fashion Photographer Nick Knight on the power of the photograph, and its global reach; "Having a phone and an Instagram account means that I can create images on my own. When I first started using it a couple of years ago, it reminded me of the 70s, when I first...
A very powerful EMail Campaign by Photographer John McAllister
John McAllister is a photographer in High Wycombe, UK. I worked with him on this email campaign for restaurants. John designed it himself and I collaborated on the copy. In this campaign we focus on the benefits to the customer, not the assets of the photographer. It...
Six Reasons Why You Should Hire a PROFESSIONAL Photographer
Most people will go through life without ever having to hire a professional photographer. Unless we are talking about wedding photographers, or portrait photographers who photograph our kids for school, most folks just never have a need for a commercial photographer....