Arnold’s Five “SECRETS” for Success
ARNOLD'S "SECRETS" TO SUCCESS. First of all, there are no secrets. There are only rules. Some are societal, some are biological, some are physical but they exist. There are pathways to success that are so time-tested, and often proven that they become...
The Parable of Two Dogs
THE PARABLE OF TWO DOGS I was recently reminded of this wonderful story. An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. ”It is a terrible fight and it is between two dogs. One is evil–he is anger,...
You Execute on What You Believe – And That May Be Problematic
(Look at that tree clinging to a tiny piece of dirt in the middle of a rock wall. It isn't supposed to be able to do that. There is barely enough sunlight in that narrow ravine, nor is there sufficient water on the side of a cliff. Good thing the tree...
Why Weekly Assignments Work (and why I love Unsplash)
When I started Project 52 Pros back about 7 years ago, I knew I wanted it to introduce a wide variety of commercial photography to photographers who were not steeped in that tradition. It is difficult to find assistant gigs, and even harder to find them when you are...
Article for Petapixel: Pricing Work by Understanding Value
"The fact that you own a lot of gear that cost a lot of money, have purchased a vehicle to transport that gear, and spent long hours mastering its use is a given. Of course you have. Otherwise you would not be a professional photographer. Period. I do not care how...
Site Redesign: Pro Digital Image
My bud Steve Burger is the driving force of Pro Digital Image. He is a Photoshop genius who loves to make photographs, awesome prints, and teach. He has been THE guy to go to for Photoshop in Phoenix and Arizona for more than a decade. I have built all of his...