… has always been wonderfully enjoyable for me. I like to working with stuff to make something.

Something new.
Something better.

Hands make it real. Whatever I am working with becomes an extension of me. My efforts. My strength. My vision.

Even with photography, I enjoy the ergonomics and the tangible presence of the cameras. Some cameras feel like different photographs should be made with them. And some photographs demand the camera be the right one for the job.

That is to say, I wouldn’t make the same shot with an 8×10 as I would with my Lumix EDC.

And all in between.

Today I worked with wood. And oil. And rags to buff the wood into a beautiful luster.

It was pretty hard work moving those goliath-like shelving systems around and hand-rubbing every square inch twice. But it was oh, so worth it.

We love our big, heavy wood furniture but have been so busy that we have not had the chance to keep them shiny and oiled. The painters come next week and we are living in boxes and stacked furniture until they are finished.

We have had them for over 30 years and they still look new. In and out of fashion, the big, heavy, overbuilt furniture holds treasures from decades of travel, books full of inspiration, and the love of three beautiful children.

It is an honor to help preserve them.

“He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.”
― Saint Francis of Assisi

Hands. Strength. Wood. Texture. Life.

Below is just a small selection of the shelve units that were stripped of their treasures and given a double coat of oil and wax.