Recent Journal Posts

On Failing Often…

"I always tell people who are beginning a creative career to go back and look at the early work of artists they admire. If you come across a successful blogger, designer, or artist, especially one who’s been able to generate a full-time income from their creative...

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The “Business” of Being a Creative

Here's a minor pet peeve of mine. (I know, I know.. who the hell cares, but bear with me for a moment). I often hear people say something along these lines. "Photography is a business. You have to treat it like any other business." With all due respect, while it is...

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From An Interview with Ray Bradbury

INTERVIEWER "Most would argue that a computer makes revising a whole lot easier. Not to mention spell-check." BRADBURY "I’ve been writing for seventy years, if I don’t know how to spell now . . . " Read the whole thing here... very good read with a prolific...

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