What I Do
I work hard with and for you to help you get your project off the ground. From starting your photography business to writing your non-fiction book to creating an online course. My expertise is drawn on years of REAL experience and coaching hundreds of creatives.

Photographic Mentoring
Want to work together? Here’s how.
Book Coaching
We have all seen book coaches and writing coaches in our Facebook feeds. Offers to coach you to a best seller in two days, or how to achieve a #1 bestseller easy and quickly. Yeah, me too. The problem is when I do a little research the only book I find they have written is one on how to write books. And I have even found a big name ‘author coach’ with nary a single edition to his name. I have written 6 books. Three that were published by Amherst Media and are available on Amazon, and three that I have given away or use as an internal book for clients and students. I know how to ‘plant butt in chair and write’. I know what writer’s block is. I know how to kick its ass. I know how to deal with the feeling that it is hopeless and ‘nobody wants to read this garbage anyway’ syndrome. I have felt your pain and I want you to have a coach that will be there every step of the way. Keeping you focused, on track, on deadline, and away from the resistance that shows its face at far too many times.
Would you like to work with a writing coach who has actually written books? Send email.

OnLine Course Design
Whether you are a coach, a photographer, a designer, or any other kind of creative, you should have a course that you can sell. Yes, it is good money, but more than that it gives you a chance to change someone’s life – even just a little bit. You have something unique, spread it to those who are craving something different. And yeah, there are all kinds of ‘Create Courses Awesomely Like NOW, Dude’ stuff out there, but have you noticed most of them have only created courses about creating courses? That is where I step in. I have created online courses and made a very good living from teaching them online. From my “8-Week” course set to over $45K at UDEMY (before I made my courses free) to teaching courses at CreativeLIVE and my monthly Project 52, I know the ins and outs of creating meaningful content, and how to build a community around it. I can help you design your course for maximum opportunity. And whether you use a third-party sales (Udemy, etc…) or sell it yourself (recommended) your course will attract the right students ready to learn.
Need help designing your online course? Send Email.