Stop being in love with your expectations.

Going out to make a photo?

Stop thinking about what it will look like.

It will not look like that.

Stop thinking about how you will shoot it.

You won’t shoot it like that.

Stop thinking about what everyone will say about the photograph you haven’t taken yet.

They won’t say any of the things you expect them to say.

Go into the world and clear your head.

Remove expectations of everything and anyone… and let the image reveal itself to you.

The image will indeed reveal itself when you stop thinking it is somewhere else.

We do not have to make a ritual of making photographs.

When we do, we remove the ability to see what is in our path and replace it with an expectation of what we think will be.

There are photographs all around you right now no matter where you are.

You cannot see them because you are in love with the expectations of your ideas.

You have expectations of how the context of making photographs should be and where you are now is not in that context.

Be quiet. Be still. Be open.

Once you begin to see the photos in front of you, the ideas will come flooding in and they will be in the right context.

The context of here, now.

Shoot more, suck less.