“One Man’s Garbage Is Another Man’s Treasure”

I imagine it is the same for women, come to think of it.

An old saying that we don’t hear much anymore, but it always reminds us that some folks throw out what other folks love.

I have found some amazingly cool things at flea markets and garage sales and such. I am sure you have as well.


LOL, well maybe not treasures… but certainly some stuff that I have made great use of.

The concept you are going to illustrate is that the idea of throwing out things and others collecting things may be a new movement that is spreading from rural areas to the cities.

It has become a new way of ‘bartering’ or, in some cases decorating and designing with found objects.

Here are a few links to get you thinking:

Found Objects

A Look at the Found Object Art Movement

450 Found Object Art Ideas


This is NOT an interior design article, although if you are working toward that sort of book, that would be fine.

It can be people, it can be a faux portrait with a ‘found objects’ designer.

It can be people on location at a flea market… the caveat is you MUST engage them for the work.

Standing off on one side shooting with a long lens will NOT cut it on this assignment.

The image you create is the opening image for a magazine – both online and print, and is vertical, color, and it must be striking.

This is a new magazine and they are giving you a chance to really blow them away here.

Plan and sketch once you have your refuse… err… props.

Make this a portfolio-worthy shot.

Some inspiration from former students.



STILL LIFE: FOUND OBJECTS SHOT WITH A VARIETY OF LIGHT SOURCESASSIGNMENT: TWENTY: STILL LIFE WITH FOUND OBJECTS (JUNK) Found objects.Shoot time: Two hours.Goal: Use as many lighting styles as possible to discover the hidden beauty or interest in the objects.Have your...