Wednesdays are review days for my students. I am up at 5 AM and uploading the images to take a look at them before I get into the live critiques that start at 9 AM sharp and continue on through about 12:30 PM. Three classes an hour in length back to back.

Watching these photographers begin to grasp concepts that will drive their photography higher and higher is one of the true joys of being where I am now.

I did this stuff for over 50 years, so I feel I can add a bit of context to the teaching of the techniques. 

We approach it from two sides: the technical lighting and composition and such, and the art of working for someone else – understanding layouts, creating concepts, and working with clients under stress.

Today was “coffee shop ad” review day and a few of these images were so cool. One of these photographers is a pro, the others are new but coming along so fast it is mind-boggling. Can you see the pro’s work?

This is only their third assignment, so I am eagerly awaiting the work that they will be producing a few months in.









On Creative Certification…

IMPORTANT NEWS FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS WISHING TO BE LICENSED I have a buddy who works for the Licensing and Certification Board of Licenses and Certifications and he has slipped me a working paper on the upcoming change to the way Photographers and "TOGS" will be licensed...

Facebook Fraud?

Facebook information for those of you who are considering using FB as a marketing tool. Short answer: Don't. Or at least, certainly be aware of what you are getting into.

Getting Paid…

I am so excited. Just pulled out my '57 "Lady Head" Conn Tenor Saxophone. I have always wanted to be a sax player, and now I am going to get my chance. I can play most of the notes except the really high ones and the really low ones... but, I rock in the middle ones....

The “Business” of Being a Creative

Here's a minor pet peeve of mine. (I know, I know.. who the hell cares, but bear with me for a moment). I often hear people say something along these lines. "Photography is a business. You have to treat it like any other business." With all due respect, while it is...

From An Interview with Ray Bradbury

INTERVIEWER "Most would argue that a computer makes revising a whole lot easier. Not to mention spell-check." BRADBURY "I’ve been writing for seventy years, if I don’t know how to spell now . . . " Read the whole thing here... very good read with a prolific...