
What is Native Advertising you ask?

Let’s explain it this way… an ad that takes the form of something native to the site it is being shown on.

An example: A regular ad would be something like a banner for an accounting firm placed on a community page. It may be a banner or a box or even some sort of text link. We see them all the time.

A native ad may be something that appears as content within the community site. For all purposes, it is an informational article that looks like most of the other informational articles… but it is NOT. It is paid advertising that simply LOOKS like the surrounding native content.

We have had “Advertorials” for a long time, and they are considered “Native” advertising. The newer forms of native ads may not appear so blatantly advertorial, and instead be perceived as content created as information only, and placed in such a manner as to help that perception along.

A couple of things to consider: IF the content is good, and informative and NOT misleading in any way, there is simply nothing wrong with it in my view. If it goes down the rabbit hole of bullshit ad speak, misleading at best, fraudulent at worst, then it can damage the content provider as well as the advertiser.

I think it is here for a while, and presents some amazing possibilities for marketers who are very sure of their message and aware of the possible pitfalls. This can be an extraordinary new platform for getting a valuable amount of info into the hands of consumers who are seeking it.

But remember that the content MUST be accurate, informative and free of ‘selling’.

Here is a graphic that introduces you to the concept and what others are thinking about it. Visit Copyblogger (click graphic) for more information and what the breakdown of stats mean.

Copyblogger's 2014 State of Native Advertising Report
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